Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Current Issues Presentation Requirements/Guidelines

1. PowerPoint Presentation.
2. 13 Minutes presentation and 3 minutes Q&A.
3. All members MUST participate as presenters.
4. The format or the flow of presentation will be according to article given.
-------General Format-------
ii)Materials and methods
vi)References cited
5. Other articles can be cited for additional information to complete information pertaining given article. But it not compulsory.
6. Students must really understand the article they presented. Additional reading might be required for this matter.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Farewell for Batch 10

Yesterday, i heard my friend( Privacy la, cannot tell, but i can give hint, he/she is the best guitarist in Aimst and his/her nick name is 'FUNGI') said that Our senior, Batch 10's Farewell Party will be handle by Our junior, batch 13. reason is we are too inactive... Is happy that we no need to handle the farewell , but the issues about we are inactive...hmmm...i don't think so. I think Batch 12 always hyperactive....lets c, we are the batch that always won the best skip class award, and the best sign for friend (attendance) award. Not just that, we also very active in talking until foundation lecturer and library assistance(s) surrender to us ( but all of them are bitch....very 'gun**' and 'pund**' -ask me if u wanna know the full words, hehe). We also active in fighting for canceling classes and also holidays until almost 13 May 1969 incident (know more detail, visit here almost happen again...If all this we done , we still being classified as 'dorman' state, then i think the so called AABBSSAA or Friendly Shipping Clubing really too inactive until dunno what is happening around Aimst...what to do, mayb they are too busy with all the feminine 'make-up'....

To Biotech Batch 13 & 14

Those who visited my blog, i would like to welcome u all...any question you all want to ask, please help yourself...i will try my best to answer all the question...if can, please come and see me so that we can know each other...berkenal- kenalan...hehe...By the way, how many ppl will be in batch 14? anybody knows?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

H1N1, are you going to make Aimst close down???

As what i know (cannot tell the person because i respect ppl privacy), So far Aimst already got at least 10 ppl who being suspected have H1N1 Influenza A virus and being sent to Hospital. There is 4 cases that confirm Infected...There is only needed 5 cases to close down there a good news or a bad news? By the way, today i felt like i m a Menteri Penerangan, cos i heard my name everywhere, in FACE BOOK, msn, sms and so on...all starts with "Foo said...., foo said...., I dunno la, just Foo said...." hahaha....carry on....Gambateh ya!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Current Issue Class

Class will be on this Friday- 3rd July 2009...If u think this time is not suitable, please find me a time which Special Topics student also no class....( have to be this week, next week will be reject)